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Get in touch with usEU ETS - List of national administrators
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Austria - Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism
Belgium (Flanders) - Flemish Department Environment & Spatial Development – Energy, Climate and Green Economy Division
- https://unionregistry.ec.europa.eu/euregistry/BE/index.xhtml
- https://www.climateregistry.be/en/registry/registry.htm
Belgium (Wallonia) - Walloon Air and Climate Agency
Bulgaria - Ministry of Environment and Water
Croatia - Ministry of Environment and Energy / Croatian Agency for the Environment and Nature
Republic of Cyprus - Department of Environment of Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment
Czech Republic - Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
Denmark - Danish Energy Agency (Energistyrelsen)
Estonia - Estonian Ministry of the Environment
Finland - Finnish Transport Safety Agency
France - Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire (MTES)
Germany - German Emissions Trading Authority (Deutsche Emissionshandelsstelle, DEHSt)
Greece - Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority, Environmental Protection Section, EU-ETS Monitoring Office
Hungary - Ministry of National Development, Hungarian National Climate Protection Authority
Italy - o Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, Directorate General - Climate Change and Energy
Latvia - Civil Aviation Agency
Lithuania - Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
- https://www.isprambiente.gov.it/en/services/emission_trading_registry/operating-with-the-registry/open-your-account
- https://www.llv.li/files/au/pdf-llv-au-login_manual.pdf
Luxembourg - Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures
Malta - Malta Resources Authority
Netherlands - Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa)
Poland - National Administration of the Emissions Trading Scheme
Portugal - Agencia Portuguesa do Ambiente (APA) - Departamento de Alterações Climáticas
Romania - The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
Slovakia - Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic
Slovenia - Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
Spain - Spanish Climate Change Office (Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery, Food and Environment)
Sweden - Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
For questions on EU Registry Accounts and getting access to the EU ETS market, please contact us.