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EU ETS - List of national administrators

The below list is comprised of national administrators for the EU ETS for each country. With these administrators you may apply to set up an EU Registry Account to hold EUAs.

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Valentina Stekovic
Publication Date
January 29, 2024
ECB building with European flags
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Austria - Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism

Belgium (Flanders) - Flemish Department Environment & Spatial Development – Energy, Climate and Green Economy Division

Belgium (Wallonia) - Walloon Air and Climate Agency 

Bulgaria - Ministry of Environment and Water

Croatia - Ministry of Environment and Energy / Croatian Agency for the Environment and Nature

Republic of Cyprus - Department of Environment of Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment

Czech Republic - Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic 

Denmark - Danish Energy Agency (Energistyrelsen) 

Estonia - Estonian Ministry of the Environment

Finland - Finnish Transport Safety Agency

France - Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire (MTES) 

Germany - German Emissions Trading Authority (Deutsche Emissionshandelsstelle, DEHSt) 

Greece - Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority, Environmental Protection Section, EU-ETS Monitoring Office 


Hungary - Ministry of National Development, Hungarian National Climate Protection Authority

Italy - o Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, Directorate General - Climate Change and Energy

Latvia - Civil Aviation Agency

Lithuania - Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania

Luxembourg - Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures 

Malta - Malta Resources Authority

Netherlands - Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa)

Poland - National Administration of the Emissions Trading Scheme


Portugal - Agencia Portuguesa do Ambiente (APA) - Departamento de Alterações Climáticas

Romania - The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change 

Slovakia - Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic


Slovenia - Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 

Spain - Spanish Climate Change Office (Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery, Food and Environment)

Sweden - Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 

For questions on EU Registry Accounts and getting access to the EU ETS market, please contact us.